Indonesian Police – Bali – UN Deputy Secretary General Amina J. Mohammed, appreciated the readiness of equipment, technology and system support at the 91 Command Center of the ITDC Indonesia National Police (INP) Nusa Dua, Bali, in anticipating security, disaster and tsunami.
In addition to the completeness of the equipment, Amina also gave a thumbs up for the management at the Command Center, so that it can become a world model.
“What’s here, we will make the 91 Command Center of the ITDC Police an example for making Command Center facilities and systems in handling disasters in countries that are members of the UNDRR,” he said during an official visit to the ITDC 91 Command Center in Bali, Tuesday , May 24, 2022.
Amina also said that the installation of ITDC Command Center facilities and features in Bali was relatively fast.
“We checked the placement of facilities such as CCTV which reached 1,431 points spread across various tourist attractions and international event locations, all of which can be operated and are running well,” he explained.
Some time ago, National Police Chief Jend. Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo when visiting the 91 Command Center of the ITDC Police has ensured that the infrastructure built by the ICT Division of the Indonesian National Police and the Bali Police is able to provide security support in Bali, especially in organizing international events.
To note, the 91 Command Center facility is able to monitor every route that the delegation takes complete with drone monitors, GPS motorized vehicles for patrols, Body Worm Cameras worn by officers in the field, the situation from the air with drones, My Police Dashboard, Dashboard 110 and Precision SOT.
Monitoring equipment is also integrated for handling natural disasters and tsunamis in Bali, including Airnav Flight Radar, Marine Traffic, and land traffic.
It is planned that this concept will be implemented in every Polda which will be built in an integrated manner through the Technology, Information and Communication Division (Div ICT) at the National Police Headquarters. Data integration is one of the Police’s Precision Single Data programs, which has become a flagship program under the leadership of General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo.
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