To Prevent Omicron, National Police Chief Asks for Acceleration of Boosters to Accelerate Vaccination of Elderly-Children

JAKARTA – Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, Head of BNPB Letjen TNI  Suharyanto and Kasum TNI Letjen Eko Margiyono reviewed the acceleration of simultaneous vaccinations throughout Indonesia by attending in person at the Budi Utomo Hall, Bumi Wiyata Hotel, Depok, West Java. , Thursday (3/2/2022).

On that occasion, Sigit revealed that the target for the acceleration of vaccination itself is targeted at 1,419,110 doses. This number is combined to target people who have received one, two and three or booster doses of vaccine.

“Today’s activity we are holding simultaneous vaccinations in 34 provinces with today’s target of 1,419,110. Then in the Depok area itself, especially this place, 2,500 specifically for the third vaccine or booster,” said Sigit in his review.

The former Kabareskrim asked all stakeholders to continue to accelerate vaccination. In the midst of the entry of the Omicron type of Covid-19 variant, Sigit also appealed to accelerate vaccines for the elderly (elderly) and children.

“On this occasion, I remind the entire community and colleagues on duty, to help carry out acceleration, to remind people especially for the elderly and then children. Because the Omicron variant is contagious or contagious at all ages,” said Sigit.

Therefore, Sigit emphasized, the public, especially those in Jabodetabek, should take the booster vaccine, if the second dose has been injected for six months. This, according to Sigit, can increase immunity against the Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus.

“So of course the only thing we can do to deal with the existing variants is to follow the vaccination. So, those who are already six months away from the second vaccine, especially in the Greater Jakarta area, please follow the booster vaccine,” said Sigit.

Apart from Jabodetabek, in the future other regions in Indonesia will also accelerate the acceleration of vaccination, especially boosters. With that, Sigit emphasized the importance of the socialization process to the public on the importance of preventing and anticipating the Omicron variant through the injection of the three-dose vaccine.

“Furthermore, other regions will follow suit and this must always be reminded, efforts need to be made to disseminate information. Please continue to be informed to the public,” said Sigit.

On the other hand, Sigit said that the Ministry of Health would prepare regulations regarding infected patients. Where, residents who are positive for Covid-19 with moderate and severe symptoms will be treated in hospitals that have been prepared.

Meanwhile, patients with mild or asymptomatic symptoms are allowed to quarantine at home with the condition of strict supervision from the local Health Office (Dinkes).

“So then, it can be followed up with the nearest Puskesmas related to the drugs that must be consumed. So that he can recover quickly,” said Sigit.

Meanwhile, the most important thing at this time, said Sigit, was for the community to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols (prokes) in their daily activities.

“That we see discipline related to the use of masks, then the activities that have received this interaction, many also forget and take off the masks. Please be reminded again this time that all of them are mainly for activities that have high interaction, where the crowd please really wear masks, “said Sigit.

Sigit again reminded the public that until now, the Covid-19 pandemic is still engulfing the entire world and Indonesia. Therefore, Sigit hopes that the community and all existing stakeholders will not be negligent or careless.

“There have been victims, although the numbers are far away. However, we have to be careful because these comorbidities can still be fatal. This is what we always remember. So the health protocol, the vaccine, which has not been pursued twice immediately. Those who have done it twice, those who will be boosters, please follow at the outlets that have been prepared,” said Sigit.

On this occasion, Sigit also took the time to provide directions to all regions in Indonesia through virtual connections related to the handling and control of Covid-19 in order to prevent the growth rate of the corona virus.

News : The head of the national police wants to reach the goal of 2 million vaccinations a day

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