Police Will Educate the Public About Fraudulent Investments

JAKARTA— Kabaharkam Polri Komjen Arief Sulistyanto was a speaker in a podcast dialogue on Polri TV with the theme “Beware of Investment-Modified Fraud”.

Together with other resource persons, namely the Deputy General Chairperson of the Coordinator of Legal and Communication Organizations of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi, Kabaharkam also provided education to the public so as not to be trapped in fraudulent investments and illegal lending.

The Police TV Podcast Dialogue also opens a series of socialization and investment education activities to the public which will be held at 100 Shopping Center Malls in 15 Regions throughout Indonesia.

In his dialogue, Komjen Arief acknowledged the need for early anticipation or prevention of this fraudulent investment. Because he said, police officers only found out or only reported victims when the number of victims was very large.

“Well, this is what we have to anticipate from the start. Because these (bodong) investment cases are not just happening now,” said Komjen Arief in a podcast dialogue video on Polri TV which was uploaded, Friday (4/2).

Arief then recounted that when he served as Head of Sub-Directorate for Banking at the Directorate of Economic and Special Crimes (Ditipideksus) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Indonesian National Police in 2007, he had handled a number of fraudulent investment cases that claimed many victims. According to the former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, the method used is the same but only in a different way.

Therefore, Arief reminded people who want to invest to first see the background of the investment company. Because usually, continued Arief, to lure victims, fraudulent investment companies offer high profits or profits.

“The second is using the MLM mode, a ponzi scheme, all of which are actually money games, that it’s actually only money from investors that is played and when enough has been taken away,” explained Arief.

According to Arief, efforts to educate the public about the dangers of fraudulent investments are not only sufficient for socialization. Instead, it takes a post that can provide clear information to the public about companies that offer investment. That way, there will be no more victims, the officers just find out or the victims just report it.

“So after we socialize in 100 malls, then we will open an information post to serve people asking questions. Of course, not only from Barhakam, we cooperate with Kadin, OJK, BKPM, CoFTRA. So we will give it to the public, no, this (investment company) is a lie,” said Arief.

“What I emphasize here is that efforts to protect the public from this illegal investment must be carried out together, in collaboration,” added Arief.

Lastly, the three-star general also asked for the Investment Alert Task Force to be more responsive, especially when receiving reports from victims, but quickly when there are promotions related to investment from new vendors.

“Research should have been carried out, and the results submitted to the public so that they do not become victims,” ​​said Arief.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the Coordinator of Legal and Communication Organizations at the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yukki Nugrahawan, added that his party had paid attention to fraudulent investments that recently involved influencers. If the influencer is found to be an affiliate of the fraudulent investment, Kadin asks that strict action be taken.

“Our society must continue to be educated,” said Yukki Nugrahawan.

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Source : Humas.polri.go.id | Editor : Dian Purwanto

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