National Police Chief Review ‘Indonesian Simultaneous Vaccination’

JAKARTA – Saturday (27/11/2021) – National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo directly inspected one of the locations for the “Indonesian Simultaneous Vaccination” campaign at the Transportation Human Resources Development Center (Pusbang) Bogor Regency. West Java.

The Covid-19 vaccination acceleration event was held simultaneously in 3,822 locations in Indonesia, with a target of 11 million people. With this, it is hoped that the 70% vaccination target expected by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) by the end of the year can be achieved.

“Today it will be carried out simultaneously with a target of 1.1 million to 1.6 million. We hope this can be achieved, especially in Bogor which is the most densely populated area in West Java. I think we must continue to accelerate. Then we can. The target is the end of December,” Sigit told reporters after reviewing the “Indonesian Simultaneous Vaccination” campaign.

According to the former Banten Police Chief, the acceleration of this vaccination is one strategy to predict the growth rate of Covid-19 at Christmas (Nataru) in 2021 and 2022.

Sigit said that during Nataru’s holiday there might be a movement of people’s mobility. Therefore, last year’s experience should be used as a lesson and better preparation to prevent a spike in Covid-19 cases.

“So of course we are worried that after Nataru, the speed of controlling the number of Covid-19 that we have managed to maintain will not increase. Because of the experience a few years ago, after Nataru tripled. The increase after Eid was the highest. Therefore, we want to ensure that the acceleration of vaccination can be completed before Nataru,” said Sigit.

The former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit emphasized that with the acceleration of vaccination, the positive trend of hope to control the current number of Covid-19 was very good.

“We can keep the Covid-19 number below 1 positive number, then the BOR is also lower from 4% to 5% which we are very worried about,” said Sigit.

With the formation of immunity in the community, it will have a positive impact on Indonesia’s economic growth. In addition, Indonesia will be better prepared to host domestic and international events in the future.

The success of controlling Covid-19 will certainly support the country’s economic growth, with Indonesia’s economic growth of 7.07% in the second quarter of 2021 and 3.51% in the third quarter of 2021. Of course, we hope that the Covid-19 pandemic will continue to achieve its economic growth target. 2021 by 3.7-4.5%.

“Because all of this has an impact on economic activity and growth, maybe the whole community has felt it. We hope that by controlling Covid-19, economic growth and national and international activities that we will carry out in the future can run smoothly. Internationally, from the people’s perspective, this is very important for Indonesia’s status,” said Sigit.

At the meeting, Sigit also took the time to greet other regions that were hosting the “Concurrent Vaccination in Indonesia” event. This includes Aceh, Maluku and Papua.

In his speech for the Aceh region, Sijit expressed his appreciation and gratitude to all religious, community and customary leaders who played an active role in accelerating vaccination.

“Give my regards to all traditional, religious and community leaders. I am sure that with the help of all existing figures, the work of vaccination in Aceh can be accelerated. Of course, the TNI-Polri are ready to work day and night. Keep watching. If the stock starts to run out, we will immediately inform so that we can distribute it,” said Sigit.

While greeting Papua, Sijit emphasized that all relevant agencies and communities will continue to work together to accelerate the formation of immunity and immunity of citizens against the corona virus.

“Even though we have just held a national PON event. We hope that the vaccination results will go smoothly. Let all Papuans really have immunity and immunity. Because there are still fluctuations, some countries have raised prices. accelerated so that the community is in a strong state and has stronger immunity in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Sigit.

Meanwhile, in the Maluku region, Sigit received a report on the distribution and storage of the Covid-19 vaccine. Therefore, Sigit will immediately coordinate with related parties to resolve the issue.

“Then we will inform you about the storage and distribution system. So the vaccine is still good. I think the progress is expected to go well. In the next two weeks, I will check his achievements. I think it can be achieved with passion. , said Sigit.

At the meeting, Sigit received a report stating that throughout Indonesia, no one wanted or refused to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

Not to forget, Sigit would like to thank the entire TNI-Polri team, health workers, local governments, Forkopimda, vaccinators, volunteers and other communities, who continue to work hard to speed up vaccinations even on holidays like today. .

It is important to note that vaccination campaigns

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