Police Asked to Fill 2 Positions at BPOM

Jakarta – Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) Penny Lukito wants the police to fill two positions in the Deputy for Enforcement and Law Enforcement of BPOM. This was conveyed to the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo during a visit to the National Police Headquarters.

“Earlier, the Head of the POM Agency conveyed to the National Police Chief, the POM Agency now has a new organization that has been ratified, he also needs support from the National Police,” said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo at the National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Tuesday, November 23, 2021.

Dedi said that BPOM had made a comparison to BPOM of the United States. In the BPOM belonging to Uncle Sam’s country, there are elements of the police.

From a regulatory perspective, Dedi said that the placement of members of the National Police in government agencies is permitted. Thus, Penny asked the two new positions at BPOM to be filled from elements of the police.

The elected members of the National Police will later fill positions as echelon I and echelon II at the Deputy for Enforcement and Law Enforcement of BPOM. However, BPOM is still formulating the positions. Penny will write to Tri Brata 1 after the formulation of the position is completed.

In addition, Dedi explained that Penny and the National Police Chief also agreed that they should not directly enforce the law against business actors who violate the rules even though there are elements of the police. BPOM wants law enforcement to be carried out in an ultimum premium manner.

That is, law enforcement is the last step when taking action against business actors who violate it. BPOM wants to prioritize coaching.

“The Chief of Police agrees, it is indeed like that in terms of law enforcement that the element of guidance is the main thing. If the element of maximum guidance has been carried out there are still violations, then law enforcement will be carried out,” said the former Central Kalimantan Police Chief.

The National Police and BPOM will also strengthen working relations. Especially with the Directorate of Drugs, Certain Economic Crimes (Tipidter), and Special Economics (Dittipideksus) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Department.

“When later elements from the police come in, they will collaborate in the field together, both in the context of coaching business actors in the field of medicine, food and so on, as well as in terms of law enforcement,” said Dedi.

Dedi considered the move as an effort to provide legal certainty to the community. Namely, ensuring that all products distributed to the public are safe.

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