Labuhan Bajo NTT – National Police Chief General Listyo Sigid Prabowo accompanied by the foster mother of the Indonesian Policewoman Ny. Juliati Sigid Prabowo, opens The 58th IAWP 2021 Indonesia at the Meruorah Hotel, Labuhan Bajo NTT, Sunday (7/11/21).
In addition to being attended by the Chief of Police and the Foster Mother of Indonesian Policewomen, the Main Officer of the National Police Headquarters, representatives of law enforcement from friendly countries, Policewomen from abroad and Indonesian Policewomen from Sabang to Merauke were also present at this event.
In this event the South Sumatra Police sent 4 policewomen to participate in this activity, the four policewomen were:
1. AKBP Pauzia, S.P. / Deputy Pakor Polwan Polda Sumsel
2. AKP Shisca Agustina, S.I.K., M.Sc.
3. Ipda Nisca Puspita Hia, S.Tr.K., M.H.
4. Bripka Nursula Novita Swari, SH
While the participants who attended the conference were 980 participants with information that included 39 international participants from 12 countries and 2 international organizations as well as 407 participants from Indonesia by following the provisions of the Health protocol. In addition, it was attended online by 235 international participants consisting of 39 countries and Indonesia as many as 299 participants.
To enliven the 58th IAWP event the day before the opening, a Parade Of Nations was held which is a tradition that has always been carried out for 58 years in the series of activities of the International Association of Women Police (IAWP).
Participants who took part in the Parade included foreign policewomen who wore oversized clothes, Indonesian policewomen with various uniform variants applicable to the Indonesian National Police, the Marching Band Team from SMAK Ignatius Loyola, Arnoldus Junior High School, and the Flag Bearers, namely the Youth and Youth Associations in the West Manggarai region. .
This activity was welcomed by the people of West Manggarai, especially Labuan Bajo, some positive comments were expressed, including the involvement of several community elements in the Parade of Nations to promote local culture which was displayed in NTT Traditional Clothing.
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