Doktor Jumadi dan Forwakada Korwil Jateng Silahturahmi di Rumdin Loji Gandrung Solo
Solo – Wakil Wali Kota Tegal, Doktor Muhamad Jumadi, selaku Ketua Forum Wakil Kepala Daerah (Forwakada) Korwil Jawa Tengah beserta…
Solo – Wakil Wali Kota Tegal, Doktor Muhamad Jumadi, selaku Ketua Forum Wakil Kepala Daerah (Forwakada) Korwil Jawa Tengah beserta…
IndonesiaPolice – The National Police through the Directorate of Drug Crime Bareskrim Polri anticipates the circulation of ‘zombie’ drugs from…
IndonesiaPolice – The National Police succeeded in securing two suspects who were allegedly involved in the crime of human trafficking…
Bandung – Indonesia National Police plans to make the RW Police program national. Kabaharkam Komjen Fadil Imran said the RW…
National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo said the National Police were prepared to secure the return of the delegations…
IndonesianPolice – The Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, General TNI (Purn) Moeldoko, appreciated the…
Jakarta – The National Police, through the Inter-Division Headquarters, Inspector General Krishna Murti, said that his party had uncovered the…
National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo led the Tactical Floor Game (TFG) to secure the ASEAN Summit in West…
IndonesianatPolice – National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo conducted a review of security readiness at the ASEAN Summit in…
IndonesianPolice – The Directorate of General Crimes (Dirtipidum) Bareskrim Polri managed to secure 61 people consisting of 6 Indonesian citizens…