Bandung – Indonesia National Police plans to make the RW Police program national. Kabaharkam Komjen Fadil Imran said the RW police were the policy of the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who translated President Joko Widodo’s orders.
Fadil explained, RW Police would later be placed in each area and were expected to be able to prevent disturbances to the Public Order Security (Kamtibmas).
“The task of the RW Police is to resolve Kambtimas problems which can lead to crime, of course with community elements,” said Fadil in a written statement as quoted Tuesday (16/5).
Then, Fadil said that the RW Police were also tasked with analyzing with the community about the potential that could disrupt Kamtibmas, starting from geography, demography, and so on.
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According to Fadil, the RW Police will work with all elements of society in their respective areas to find solutions to problems in the area.
“Then, compile a response to the problem. Gradually all the factors that opened up the Kamtibmas disturbance space can be eliminated,” said the former Director of Cyber Crime Bareskrim Polri.
Recently, this program has been launched by a number of police within the jurisdiction of the West Java Regional Police. Fadil launched the program directly by holding a rally in the yard of Gedung Sate, Bandung City, Monday (15/5/2023). Then in Bogor, Garut, Demak, to Malang City.
The RW police serve as the liaison officer (LO) of the Police in every RW whose role is to listen, accept, empathize with complaints, anxieties, wishes, hopes and problems in the community.
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