National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo said the National Police were prepared to secure the return of the delegations participating in the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).
The National Police Chief said the return times for heads of state and delegations were different. It is known that the heads of state and delegates will begin to return to their home countries after going through the entire series of activities at the ASEAN Summit, today, Thursday (11/5).
“Of course there will be overcrowding because the returnees are different, some are still carrying out activities and maybe some are still staying to enjoy the beauty of Labuan Bajo,” said the National Police Chief at Command Center 91, Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara, Thursday (11/5).
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The National Police Chief explained, in the process of securing the return of the ASEAN Summit delegates, his party coordinated with all stakeholders, including Paspampres who were in ring one for security.
“Of course our members have taken steps to prepare for planning and also coordinate with all stakeholders related to colleagues from Paspampres from ring 1, so that related to existing activities or sudden changes in plans can be informed more quickly so we can immediately adjust ,” said the Chief of Police.
Although the schedule for the return of heads of state and delegations is different, the National Police Chief emphasized that in principle the National Police will make every effort to carry out the task of securing and escorting all existing activities.
“Especially related to activities at the venue which are currently still ongoing and also the return of the entire group,” concluded the National Police Chief.
Also Read : Tactical Floor Game for Security at the ASEAN Summit
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