Caring for the Turkey Earthquake, INP Send Teams and Assistance for Earthquake Victims

IndonatPolice – Jakarta – The National Police (INP) sent a joint team to help with the earthquakes that occurred in Turkey and Syria. The release of personnel assistance was carried out by Kabaharkam Polri Komjen Arief Sulistyanto at the Baharkam Polri Field, Thursday (9/2/2023).

Komjen Arief conveyed that the delivery of this assistance was in accordance with President Jokowi’s orders and the National Police Chief, Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo, that Indonesia, in carrying out international solidarity tasks, would send a task force which would be coordinated with BNPB and Basarnas.

“The National Police sent three elements, namely the medical team, DVI and the K9 team. With a total of 26 personnel,” said Arief.

In his directive, Arief said that the personnel sent should study conditions in Turkey and Syria. Because, the temperature there enters winter and requires strong physical endurance.

“This is a humanitarian mission that must be carried out sincerely,” he said.

Apart from that, another challenge for assigned personnel is that the post-earthquake terrain is very difficult. The distance traveled will also be longer because the infrastructure is damaged and the facilities are in ruins.

“The need for food ingredients is difficult to prepare, including ready-to-use rations,” he said.

Meanwhile, the K9 team was in charge of helping victims who were still in the rubble, as well as the medical team to help injured victims.

“We have provided warm clothes and warm pads for the bloodhound dogs,” he said.

On this occasion, Arief said, the sending of this personnel assistance was a form of the Police’s quick response and concern in its humanitarian mission to the world.

“The National Police leadership has prepared all the equipment needed by colleagues during the mission there. Take care of your health and safety because the situation you are facing is a post-earthquake disaster,” he said.

Also Read : Police Go to the Philippines to Handle Arrested Indonesian Citizens

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