Indonesia Police – Jakarta – Divhunter Mabes Polri cooperates with the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance regarding the use of the Interpol network. Police Headquarters and the Directorate General of Customs and Excise will work together to monitor goods entering Indonesia.
“That the handling of security issues, be it domestic security or security because of the crime factor that threatens our country, cannot be denied that there are also those who come from outside and there are also those who cross national borders,” said Kadiv Hubinter Polri Inspector General Krishna Murti at the office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise, Jakarta, Thursday (26/1/2023).
Khrisna conveyed this after the signing of a cooperation agreement by Divhubinter Polri and the Directorate General of Customs and Excise of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance regarding Utilization of the INTERPOL I-24/7 System and Network for Monitoring the Traffic of Goods in the Context of Combating Transnational Crime.
He said the handling of this matter could not be carried out by one institution because there were many elements that had authority. Khrisna said that similar cooperation was carried out by the Police with other institutions.
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“We believe that and the National Police really support institutions that have authority in certain fields to work together to deal with this problem, so it’s not just with Customs and Excise, with borders too, immigration and others,” he explained.
“With this collaborative system, there will be a click and enter system between Interpol and the National Police, especially Customs and Excise, in order to deal with cross-border problems. Especially cross-border goods,” he continued.
Meanwhile, the Director General of Customs and Excise, Askolani, said the cooperation agreement would make it easier for him to carry out monitoring. Askolani said that his party would also evaluate the results of the monitoring.
“Obviously we have taken the concrete steps we have taken. But with this cooperation agreement, a system will be created so that everyone can implement it. Of course it can make it easier to monitor and evaluate what we have built today,” he said.
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