Jakarta – POLRI held the 2022 Police Art Festival. This festival was created as a form of POLRI’s concern for artists, and also tries to present works of art to various communities.
Head of Police Public Relations Division Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo said the concept of the Police Art Festival is the value of collaboration between artists, in expressing individual artistic creativity into a unified work in the media facilities provided.
“This festival carries the concept of simplicity and is environmentally friendly in various activities,” said Dedi in his written statement, Thursday (12/15/2022).
Furthermore, Dedi said that this festival would also be attended by artists with disabilities. This was done as a step for the National Police to create a comfortable environment for persons with disabilities, especially in the arts to appreciate artists with their limitations so they can keep working.
“This festival is also being held in connection with the international day of persons with disabilities which falls on December 3,” he said.
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In addition to participants from persons with disabilities, this festival will also involve street artists and representatives from the Regional Police. There are a total of 45 teams involved in this festival, consisting of 10 teams from the Regional Police, 15 teams of artists with disabilities and 20 teams of street artists.
Furthermore, Dedi said the concept of this festival does not carry the value of competition or there are no winners. In this festival there will also be painting activities and mini concerts with street artists, as well as traditional dance performances from SLBN in Jakarta.
“Of course this activity will involve many communities and local artists who aim to appreciate local street artists, as well as create a disability-friendly community environment,” he said.
In the implementation which will be held at Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Central Jakarta on Saturday, December 17, the National Police will carry the theme ‘Creating an Inclusive, Safe and Disability Friendly Community’.
The theme was raised to show the role of the National Police in creating a just and friendly society for persons with disabilities, as well as inviting the younger generation to participate in the process of accelerating the recovery of Indonesia’s advanced economy, as well as building a spirit of collaboration in expressing artistic and cultural values in Indonesia.
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