Indonesian National Police and Malaysian Police Agree on Deportation of Criminal Fugitives and Training of Personnel

Jakarta – The National Police and the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) are strengthening cooperation in fighting transnational crime. The National Police and PDRM agreed to deport fugitives from Indonesia who were in Mayalsia, and vice versa.

Kadivhubinter Polri Inspector General Pol Krishna Murti revealed, Polri and PDRM also provided opportunities for personnel to attend education and training, both in Indonesia and Malaysia.

“Another collaboration carried out by the two police is the return of suspected perpetrators of crimes that are needed by the police of the two countries in the framework of the investigation, case development and trial process,” said Krishna in his statement, Friday (16/12/2022).

Krishna stated that the cooperation was discussed in the Bilateral Consultation Meeting as a form of active dialogue between the two countries. This activity is to put existing cooperation into a more strategic realm, namely through a memorandum of understanding between Polri and PDRM in combating transnational crime and capacity building.

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“In addition to cooperating bilaterally, the National Police is also the cornerstone of cooperation in the ASEAN region, namely where the Indonesian National Police Chief is the Chairperson of the Indonesian AMMTC and the National Police Headquarters Criminal Investigation Agency as the Chair of the Indonesian SOMTC,” he explained.

According to Krishna, the development of increasingly diverse transnational crimes requires serious attention from all parties. Thus, Polri as the organizer and chairman, both AMMTC and ASEAN SOMTC 2023, will make deliverables.

“Some of the things that are of concern to these deliverables are efforts to accelerate the handling of transnational crime through Police-to-Police (P-to-P) cooperation, as well as simplification of the handling mechanism,” he said.

Krishna stressed, with the strengthening of P-to-P cooperation, it is hoped that if there are fugitive Indonesian citizens, they can be refused entry or deported by Malaysia or all other ASEAN Member Countries. The same thing will also be done by the Indonesian side later.

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“The use of MLA/extradition can be used as a last option,” he added.

On the other hand, Polri also hopes that there will be an increase in police cooperation in border areas where Polri plans to have a Border Transnational Crime Liasion Office in all border areas of Indonesia, including in all border areas of Malaysia.

“So that the LO can coordinate directly and solve problems at the border quickly and precisely without having to always ask for instructions from the head office,” he said.

Krishna added that the cooperation between Polri and PDRM has been going well so far. This has been realized from the various collaborations that have been carried out, one of which is the placement of Liaison Officers/Police Technical Staff in various areas of Malaysia bordering Indonesia.

“Of course there are many other collaborations that have been and will be carried out by the National Police and PDRM,” he concluded.

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