IndonesianPolice – JAKARTA – Former Kadiv Propam Polri Inspector General Pol Ferdy Sambo has been named a suspect in the case of the death of Brigadier Nofryansyah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J.
During this period, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo was also stationed at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters Kelapa Dua Depok for investigation purposes.
“Timsus has named brother FS as a suspect,” said National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo during a press conference reported by the Police Public Relations Division, Tuesday (29/8).
The press conference was attended by National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, Deputy Chief of Police Commissioner General Gatot Eddy Pramono, Police Inspector General Komjen Agung Budi Maryoto, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Komjen Agus Ardianto, Dankor Brimob Komjen Anang Revandoko.
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Then there is the Head of Communications and Security, Komjen Ahmad Dofiri and the Director of Public Relations Dedi Prasetyo.
It is known, Ferdy Sambo is one of 25 personnel examined by the Timsus for unprofessional actions in the case of the death of Brigadier J, and he is one of 15 personnel who have been transferred from his position.
The National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo transferred Inspector General Ferdy Sambo from the position of Head of the Propam Division to the Pati Service Headquarters (Yanma).
The National Police Headquarters also assigned Inspector General Ferdy Sambo to a special location at the Mobile Brigade Headquarters to further investigate the shooting at his residence that resulted in the death of Brigadier General J.
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The National Police suspect that Ferdy Sambo violated the handling procedures at the crime scene (TKP) where Brigadier J was shot. One of Sambo’s alleged violations was the removal of CCTV evidence at his official residence.
Initially, the National Police stated that Brigadier General J died in a shootout with Barada E at the official residence of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.
Police said the shootout occurred after Brigadier J sexually assaulted Ferdy Sambo’s wife.
After that, the case became the subject of discussion, especially when Brigadier J’s family found something odd.
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The family suspected that Brigadier J’s death was not the result of a gunfight, because there were wounds and broken fingers.
After that, the National Police formed a special team and irsus to conduct a re-investigation. The autopsy was repeated again.
A total of 25 officers were examined for unprofessional behavior. 15 personnel were later transferred from their positions.
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