Polda Sultra Explains Facts Related to Arrest of Drugs Dealer

Indonesiannationalpolice – The Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police revealed three new facts about the inter-provincial narcotics trafficker who was arrested at the Fortune Hotel, Jalan Kedondong, Anduonohu Village, Poasia District, Kendari City, on Wednesday (25/5) at around 22.30 WITA.

The Director of Drugs and Drugs at the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Pol R. Bambang Tjahjo Bawono, S.I.K., S.H., M.Hum, M.Sc., explained that the three perpetrators were R from Medan City, S from Aceh City, and H from Aceh City.

The perpetrators of methamphetamine dealers do not know each other

Dirresnarkoba explained that the three perpetrators did not know each other. They followed the instructions of someone who is still mysterious via telephone on the orders of the initials BF, a prisoner in Aceh Prison.

“This order is not direct but uses another person, so this order is a chain,” he said.

BF directed the person to communicate with the first perpetrator on behalf of Rahmad. The man from the city of Medan was asked to distribute shabu-shabu to Southeast Sulawesi.

To launch his action, Rahmad was assisted by two men from Aceh City named Saifannur and Hasmuni. The three did not know each other and they all met in Medan City.

“They both don’t know each other. All equipment to distribute methamphetamine in Kendari has been prepared by BF,” he added.

If he manages to get the methamphetamine in Southeast Sulawesi, BF will pay Rp 50 million per person or Rp 150 million for the three perpetrators.

Perpetrators Successfully Passed Two Kilograms of Shabu-Shabu in Southeast Sulawesi

Kombes Pol R. Bambang Tjahjo Bawono said the perpetrator Rahmad had visited Kendari City three times. First, he came about six months ago or November 2021 to make observations or monitor the situation in Kendari City.

A month later or December 2021, Rahmad arrived in Kendari City with his partner on the orders of the BF, carrying two kilograms of crystal methamphetamine.

“And finally escaped,” he said.

Furthermore, in May 2022 he returned to Kendari City with two colleagues named Saifannur and Hasmuni to distribute another two kilograms of crystal methamphetamine. Unfortunately, the three of them were arrested and languishing in the Polda Sultra Rutan.

Police who thwart the distribution of methamphetamine will be rewarded

The Deputy Chief of the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police, Brigadier General. Pol. Drs. Waris Agono, M.Sc., emphasized that drugs are dangerous goods and can threaten the future of the younger generation.

His party will continue to develop and investigate the perpetrators so that the brains of the circulation of these goods can be arrested.

For the disclosure of narcotics that was thwarted by the Narcotics Directorate of the Southeast Sulawesi Police weighing 2.5 kilograms and the Kendari Narcotics Unit weighing 1.4 kilograms, Waris admitted that he had provided a reward or bonus.

“We have prepared (bonuses) both at the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police and the Kendari Police. We will give the plan next week,” he concluded.

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