Jakarta – Indonesian Police – The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, said that a joint police task force would monitor and supervise 79 factories registered to produce bulk cooking oil. The task force will carry out its duties 24 hours a day.
“Therefore, there are plans for 79 producers to be monitored 24 hours a day,” said Dedi in his statement at the Indonesian National Police Headquarters Rupatama in South Jakarta, Wednesday (6/4).
During this 24-hour supervision, the task force will monitor the bulk cooking oil factory from receipt of palm raw materials to daily production, said Dedi.
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“After that, distribution will continue to be controlled to primary and secondary distributors, retailers to supermarkets. So all distribution channels are controlled 24 hours by the task force,” he said.
Dedi emphasized that the Task Force will take legal action based on Ministry of Industry Regulation No. 8/2017 if a distribution channel violation is found. This, said Dedi, is in line with the ultimatum of the National Police Chief.
“Starting from warnings, then administrative sanctions, to revocation of permits. That is if there is an administrative violation,” he said.
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However, said Dedi, criminal threats can also be given by using the consumer protection law. In addition, it can also use the corruption law or other criminal offenses.
“But remember that the enforcement of criminal law is the ultimum remedium,” said Dedi.
“Don’t let this bulk cooking oil price in the market not match the Highest Retail Price (HET) that has been set by the government, that will be monitored by the Task Force,” he stressed.
Breaking News : National Police Chief: Supervise Bulk Oil Distribution Process to Make It Available in the Market
Editor : Dian
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