Ensure the Availability of Cooking Oil, What is the Strategy of the National Police Chief?

Jakarta – National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo inspects the distribution of bulk cooking oil at the Wonokromo market in Surabaya, East Java (East Java). Sigit asked distributors to immediately send stock to traders so that people would not have trouble finding cooking oil.

“Traders hope that next week the distribution of bulk oil in the Wonokromo market can be returned. Therefore, I have contacted the distributor to help and the traders’ expectations can be fulfilled,” said Sigit in a statement on (26/03).

“Perhaps in less than a week, the demand will be fulfilled again. Especially before Ramadan, of course, demand for oil will increase because of the fasting month,” he continued.

The former Banten Police Chief wants producers and distributors to accelerate the production and distribution of bulk cooking oil to the public. Especially before Ramadan.

“We hope that in this month of Ramadan there will be sufficient bulk oil, in particular, it was stated earlier that there are 26 priority markets that can really be filled on time and there will be no more shortages,” said Sigit.

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There is no longer a shortage of cooking oil

“Just now together with the Governor and Forkopimda to check the distribution of bulk oil related to some time ago there was a shortage and also a fairly high price increase. So that it affects the community,” said Sigit after conducting his review.

Not wanting residents to be affected by the scarcity and high price of bulk cooking oil, Sigit emphasized to distributors to immediately distribute basic commodities to meet community needs.

However, based on reviews and direct conversations with dozens of traders at the Wonokromo market, Sigit said bulk cooking oil stocks from distributors have been allocated to traders.

“I asked the traders that the average stock was sufficient for one week’s needs and the hope of the traders that in the next week the distribution of bulk oil in the Wonokromo Market would be sent back. That’s why I asked the distributors for help, what the traders expected could be fulfilled. Maybe less than a week can be filled again needs. Especially before Ramadan, of course, the need for oil will increase because there is a need for the month of Fasting, “said Sigit.

In order to ensure the availability and selling prices are in accordance with the Highest Retail Price (HET) set by the Government, Sigit instructed all his staff to carry out surveillance and monitoring related to the bulk cooking oil.

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Editor : Dian

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