Jakarta – Densus 88 police have arrested 16 suspected terrorists in West Sumatra. Dozens of suspected terrorists were arrested in two different areas.
“Densus 88 has arrested 16 suspected terrorists in the West Sumatra region,” said Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadan, Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, in a statement, Saturday (26/03).
Ahmad said 12 suspects were arrested in Dharmasraya Regency. While others were arrested in Tanah Dada District.
“There are 12 suspects in the Dhamasraya area and four suspects in the Tanah Datar area,” explained Ramadhan.
Ahmad said the arrests were made on Friday (25/3). Ahmed said his party was currently investigating the case.
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“Intensive investigations are still ongoing. The time of arrest is Friday, March 25, 2022. The network has not been informed, he said.
The Head of Operations Assistance for Densus 88, Kombes Aswin Siregar said in his statement, “As a supporter of Daulah Islamiyah ISIS and former terrorism convicts.” (26/03).
MID was arrested by Densus 88 on Tuesday (3/8), at Tanjung Happy in Bandar Lampung. Aswin said.
In the middle of this month, the National Police’s Anti-terror Detachment 88 also launched operations in Bogor, South Tangsel, and West Jakarta, arresting three terror suspects. Each terror suspect has the initials RS, MR and HP.
“They are ISIS supporters,” said Aswin when asked for confirmation, Thursday (17/03).
Aswin explained that the hospital, a resident of South Tangerang who was arrested in Bogor, already had an amaliyah plan. The hospital is suspected of wanting to attack a building in the capital.
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Editor : Dian
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