Jakarta – National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo ensures that the national cooking oil production process for distribution to the public is safe. This certainty follows the Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) policy implemented by the Ministry of Trade.
“Even though the production has doubled and sold 14,000, we can still produce,” said Sigit after visiting the cooking oil industry in North Jakarta, Tuesday (15/03).
Sigit explained that his party directly asked the supplier of cooking oil about distribution problems. Sigit said the distribution process was on time.
“I also ask that it be done at the same price throughout Indonesia, so of course there is no problem doubling production in terms of distribution,” he added.
“We asked directly how the process was starting from receiving the DMO, being processed, then sent by the supplier Distributor 1, Distributor 2, until thankfully we all asked and the answer was the same,” continued Sigit.
However, Sigit does not deny the price increase and the scarcity of oil. Sigit said the police were currently investigating the case.
“For others, why do prices increase and then the volume decreases in the market or what people call scarcity. So that’s what we want to make sure, we will check,” he concluded.
Sigit said there is potential for fraud in the community. Sigit emphasized that his party will take action if the cooking oil mafia is found.
“Well, that’s what we are reviewing and warning, especially for the cooking oil mafia who is trying to get temporary profits, we will come, we will arrange it, we will both expel it,” he concluded.
The police continue to strive to ensure that food stocks, especially cooking oil, can be fulfilled before the month of Ramadan, so as not to cause unrest in the community.
Breaking News : Police Reveal Causes of Rising Food Prices
Source : Humas.polri.go.id | Editor : Dian
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