Reviewing Booster Vaccinations, National Police Chief Emphasizes Healthy Workers Facing Omicron

Bekasi – National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo directly inspected the acceleration of the third dose or booster vaccination for elements of KSPSI workers at PT Fajar Surya Wisesa, Bekasi, West Java. Acceleration of this vaccination was also held simultaneously at 5,183 points in 34 provinces of Indonesia.

“Today we are carrying out vaccination activities again and we are carrying out a booster or third dose. In one week, the workers will help spend 25 thousand booster vaccines. Of course, we from the police express our appreciation,” said Sigit in the review, Wednesday (9/3/2022).

According to Sigit, the implementation of this booster vaccination ensures that workers’ elements are healthy and optimal when working to deal with the growth of COVID-19. Especially the Omicron variant.

“Therefore, it is very important to ensure that all fellow workers are in optimal and healthy condition, one of which is because we are currently facing the Omicron variant,” said the former Police Chief of Criminal Investigation Unit.

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Sigit said that labor is one of the backbones of the country’s foreign exchange. Therefore, the health of the workers element must be optimized.

“Increase our work productivity. So that we can fulfill domestic needs from the work of fellow workers, fellow workers are still maximally active in their respective jobs and how then can we increase exports, “he said.

“All of this can be used to increase the country’s foreign exchange due to the current situation. Of course, this requires all of our hard work,” he continued.

Sigit said the third dose of vaccination would provide immunity from the COVID-19 virus. Not only that, the booster reduces the fatality rate for someone exposed to COVID-19.

“So that the productivity of fellow workers is maintained. The key is how all of his main labor colleagues can then get a third vaccine or booster. So that we are all ready to face the development of the new variant of Omicron,” he said.

In addition to reviewing the implementation of the booster vaccine in Bekasi Regency, the National Police Chief also provided virtual guidance to all regions regarding the handling and control of the pandemic.

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Source : Tribratanews | Editor : Dian

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