Synergy between TNI-Polri Capital to Guard National Policy

Jakarta – The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo emphasized that the TNI-Polri are ready to support economic recovery and all national policies in 2022.

This was conveyed by the National Police Chief in the 2022 TNI-Polri Leadership Meeting (Rapim) with the theme ‘TNI-Polri Ready to Support National Economic Recovery and Structural Reform’ at TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Tuesday (1/3/2022).

“Several things that were certainly commitments, in accordance with the direction and directives from the President, how we then follow up and oversee what are national policies as well as the efforts we must do in handling the Covid-19 pandemic,” said Sigit.

The former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police emphasized that related to programs that must be completed in 2022 and medium-term, as well as long-term programs, of course, must still be guarded.

“Of course we are always committed to maintaining the synergy and solidity of the TNI-Polri as one of the main assets for the success of escorting every national decision and policy as well as government programs,” said Sigit.

In addition to overseeing every national policy, Sigit also said that in the future the improvement of programs related to the synergy and solidity of the TNI-Polri will continue to be carried out.

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The TNI-Polri, said Sigit, will always be at the forefront to deal with uncertainty, especially related to the Covid-19 pandemic in guarding and returning Indonesia to be able to return to normal activities.

“Hopefully we can also oversee and encourage better economic growth,” said Sigit.

Meanwhile, the Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL) Admiral Yudo Margono who represents the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa said that the TNI-Polri are loyal and upright in supporting national policies, especially in the current Covid-19 pandemic situation.

“I represent the TNI Commander, adding that from what was conveyed by the National Police Chief in the 2022 TNI-Polri Rapim, especially what was conveyed by the President, the TNI-Polri must be loyal, upright as our capital together with the TNI-Polri in guarding sovereignty and also in the Covid pandemic situation. -19 that was completely uncertain,” said Yudo at the same time.

In addition, Yudo also emphasized that the TNI-Polri must also provide internal and community understanding regarding the relocation of the State Capital (IKN) to Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan.

“This has been conveyed from the President, of course the TNI-Polri support and are ready of course with the transfer from TNI headquarters in Jakarta which has been adjusted to the meeting so far,” concluded Yudo.

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Source : tribratanews | Editor : Dian

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