Cianjur – National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo asked the ranks of the TNI, Polri, Forkopimda and all related parties to maximize the acceleration of booster vaccination or the third dose for the elderly (elderly) group
This was conveyed by Sigit when reviewing the implementation of accelerated vaccination in all provinces of Indonesia, by attending directly at the Taman Bunga Nusantara Tourism Object, Cianjur Regency, West Java, Wednesday (23/2/2022).
“On this occasion, I again remind the public, especially the elderly, according to a Circular from the Ministry of Health that an opportunity has been given for those who have been three months to be able to carry out the third booster vaccine. Of course, my hope is that this can really be maximized,” said Sigit during his visit.
It is known, in Circular No. SR.02.06/II/1123/2022, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has stated that the time for booster vaccination can be carried out within three months after receiving the second vaccination for the elderly group.
In the next week, Sigit said, he will pursue the target of booster vaccination for the elderly group. According to him, by getting the third dose, people, especially those who are old and have comorbidities, will have stronger immunity from exposure to the Covid-19 virus.
“Because if we look at the data that are vulnerable to having a high fatality rate, of course, it is the elderly who are accompanied by comorbidities or whose vaccines are not yet complete. So I hope this can continue to be done, “said Sigit.
The former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police emphasized that to prevent the current rate of growth of Covid-19, especially the Omicron variant, vaccination is an important effort in handling and controlling the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Therefore, said Sigit, in the future, the achievement of the vaccination acceleration target in the context of realizing communal immunity will be increased from 1.1 million to 1.6 million vaccinations per day.
“Nationally, there was an increase in vaccination yesterday, we were at 1.1 million. Today our target is 1.6 million. We will continue to maintain and maintain this, and we will improve it,” said the former Banten Police Chief.
That way, Sigit hopes, he can face the development of the growth of the Omicron type of Covid-19. Given, according to Sigit, from the available data, the current national average cure rate is 80 to 90 percent.
“We can maintain the death rate even though in some areas it is at 5 or 6 percent. But the average is still at three or even below three percent. This is our capital to then go through the pandemic situation, especially the new variant of Omicron,” said Sigit.
Sigit is optimistic that these positive trends can be maintained and improved. Because, continued Sigit, Indonesia was once one of the best countries in the context of handling and controlling the Covid-19 pandemic.
“We have to keep this in mind, because this will certainly have an impact on community activities and will certainly bring positive growth to economic growth. We hope that we can keep the Government’s target at 5.5 percent. We can take care of this,” said Sigit.
Not only reviewing, Sigit also gave directions on efforts and strategies to suppress the growth rate of Covid-19 throughout Indonesia, with virtual connections.
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Source : tribratanews | Editor : Dian
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