The National Police Chief Appreciates Ulama in Banten for Participating in Vaccination

Banten – National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo reviewed the acceleration of vaccination acceleration at the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) Banten Education and Training Agency, Pandeglang Regency, Tuesday (22/2/22). This activity was also carried out simultaneously in 34 provinces of Indonesia.

The acceleration of vaccination, which was held in Banten, was witnessed and attended by scholars and religious leaders. This, said Sigit, is a motivation for people who are still hesitant to carry out vaccinations.

“I received information that on average they (religious leaders and scholars) currently have at least the second vaccine and on average they are about to enter the third vaccine. So this is certainly good news for all of us and can be a motivation for people who are still unsure about getting the vaccine,” said Sigit.

The former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Indonesian National Police emphasized that it is very important to accelerate vaccination at this time, considering the number of Covid-19, especially the Omicron variant, is still high. Until now, the daily number of Covid-19 is still around 34 thousand to 64 thousand.

“Of course we have to remain vigilant but there is no need to be afraid and one of the things that we continue to intensify is for people who have not been vaccinated to want to carry out the vaccine,” said Sigit.

Sigit appealed to people who have had the first vaccine but have not injected the second dose of vaccine to immediately come to the vaccine outlets that have been prepared. Likewise for people who have time to carry out the third or booster vaccination to be rushed.

Moreover, said Sigit, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has stated that the time for getting a booster vaccination can be 3 months from getting the second vaccination for the elderly (elderly) group.

The Ministry of Health has shortened the booster vaccination interval for people aged 60 years and over. Elderly people can get the third dose of vaccine with a distance of three months from the second vaccine.

The regulation is contained in a circular letter numbered SR.02.06/II/1123/2022 which was signed by the Director General of Disease Prevention and Control Maxi Rein Rondonuwu on February 21, 2022.

“This is very important, especially for our elderly family, we must really take care of it because in certain conditions, delta and omicron variants still exist. The number is still high and there are risks that we must avoid and guard against,” said Sigit.

Sigit emphasized that all parties must not be careless or negligent in controlling the Covid-19 pandemic. For this reason, it is necessary to have solidity and cohesiveness of all elements, both related stakeholders and the community.

“Indonesia is already in fourth place in the world for vaccination. And we hope that soon we can be third or second with the cooperation of all of us, “said Sigit.

Acceleration of vaccination is carried out in order to form group immunity. This is very influential on community activities and also economic growth.

He hopes that Indonesia’s economic growth in this quarter can be at 5 percent. Other countries, said Sigit, have experienced stagnation in economic growth, and some have even experienced a fairly deep inflation rate.

“We hope that with everything we do we can keep our economy growing well, we will maintain the inflation rate and this needs support from the community and all stakeholders,” said Sigit.

On that occasion, the National Police Chief also gave directions regarding efforts and strategies to accelerate vaccination to suppress the growth rate of Covid-19 throughout Indonesia.

Breaking News : To Prevent Omicron, National Police Chief Asks for Acceleration of Boosters to Accelerate Vaccination of Elderly-Children

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