Police Identify Suspect in Battering of Police Officers During PP Community Organizations Demonstration in DPR

In the aftermath of a demonstration in front of the DPR RI building on Thursday (11/25/2021), the Pancasila Youth Organization has again named one suspect from the Pancasila Youth Organization.

In this action, the Head of Ops Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Dermawan Karosekali, also became a victim of the beating.

(One of the attackers, the Head of the Ops Division) has been named a suspect,” said the Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Pol. E Zulpan, to reporters on Friday (11/26/2021).

Zulpan said that one suspect was proven to have ganged up on AKBP Dermawan Karosekali. The suspect was charged with beatings for his actions.

“One of these beatings (subject to Article 170),” explained Zulpan.

In total, there are now 16 suspects as a result of the beating against AKBP Darmawan Karosekali.

Arrested are 21 people.

In the demonstration that ended in chaos, the Polda Metro Jaya secured 21 PP members, of which 15 were named as suspects.

Dozens of people became suspects because they were proven to be carrying sharp weapons.

“This is a sharp weapon that actually doesn’t need to be carried because it endangers other people,” said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Endra Zulpan, yesterday.

The suspects were immediately arrested and charged with Emergency Law No. 1/1959.

“We will further examine this and make arrests,” he said.

Meanwhile, six other PP members are currently being investigated. One of them is suspected of being the perpetrator of the persecution of the Head of Ops Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Dermawan Karosekali.

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