Signing MoU with Ministry of Agriculture, Police Ready to Guard Food Security

Jakarta – The Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) and the National Police signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) or a memorandum of understanding on assistance in maintaining security in the implementation of agricultural development programs. The signing took place at the National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Tuesday (16/11/2021).

National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo said the MoU was made in order to support and accelerate all the Ministry of Agriculture’s programs so that they run smoothly and well for meeting the food needs of the Indonesian people.

“We are carrying out the signing of the MoU or memorandum of understanding which will be followed up with a PKS (cooperation agreement) which will be carried out by the main officials with the relevant director general at the Ministry of Agriculture. This MoU is certainly carried out in order to encourage and accelerate so that the program from the Ministry of Agriculture can actually run with optimal results, “said Sigit, Tuesday (11/16/2021).

Sigit said there are 273 Indonesian people whose food needs must be met every day. “This is our concern on how to encourage agricultural productivity to increase day by day,” said Sigit.

Sigit said the MoU also touched on the use of untouched agricultural land development. Strategic efforts are needed to utilize the existing land by modernizing agriculture.

“So that the growth or quality of production increases. Besides that, we also take advantage of new lands that may not be touched at this time and this is our program to develop these two things, “said Sigit.

Sigit emphasized that the National Police will support all the Ministry of Agriculture’s programs in realizing food security for the Indonesian people because it will have a positive impact on Indonesia, including reducing dependence on imports and increasing domestic exports.

“In the past two years we have not imported rice. This is certainly an achievement from the Ministry of Agriculture and we will continue to support in the future, we can reduce this kind of dependence, and we can increase exports,” said Sigit.

According to Sigit, the agricultural sector is currently able to contribute a sizeable gross domestic product (GDP) in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“This is actually something to be proud of. We from the police will continue to support and synergize to support the program in realizing food security, how to reduce imports and increase exports, this can really be carried out well, “said Sigit.

Meanwhile, Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo said the Ministry of Agriculture could not move and work alone. Therefore, assistance from the National Police is urgently needed to meet the food needs of the Indonesian people.

“Of course the Ministry of Agriculture cannot do it alone. It must be together with the existing elements, we are grateful that the National Police Chief is willing to fully back up, “said Syahrul.


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