Tapanuli Police Chief Directly Monitors Landslide Disaster Locations and Provides Assistance

Tapteng, Head of the Tapanuli Center Police, AKBP JIMMY CHRISTIAN SAMMA, S.I.K descends to the landslide site in Hamlet II Pancur Malaka, Melaka Village, Tapian Nauli District, Central Tapanuli Regency.

The landslide occurred on Tuesday (21/9/11) at around 05.00 WIB, possibly due to heavy rains in the Central Tapanuli Regency area which caused severe damage to residents’ houses.

As a result of the landslide disaster, 3 residential units measuring 4 x 4 meters made of zinc-roofed boards were severely damaged and the loss was estimated at IDR 70,000,000 (Seventy Million Rupiah)

After the landslide, 3 (three) families whose houses were damaged were evacuated and placed in shelters. .

Knowing the incident, the Tapanuli Police Chief AKBP JIMMY CHRISTIAN SAMMA, S.I.K and his staff immediately went to the accident site to evacuate the post/tent and public kitchen.

On that occasion, the Tapanuli Police Chief helped the families of the landslide victims and it was known that the police also felt and were worried about what the victims were experiencing.

The Central Tapanuli Police Chief expects the people of Central Tapanuli to be more alert and aware of the current situation with rather extreme weather conditions so that a disaster does not occur.

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