Pekanbaru Police Investigators have started to investigate the alleged sexual harassment case experienced by the first L student at the University of Riau (UBRI).


Pekanbaru Police Investigators have started to investigate the alleged sexual harassment case experienced by the first L student at the University of Riau (UBRI).

The 21-year-old graduate student majoring in International Relations at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences said, SH, the thesis supervisor he is currently working on.

“We received the report last Friday at around 16.00 WIB. We will collect evidence and witness statements in the field,” said Head of the Pekanbaru Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Saturday 6/11, Kompol Juper Lumban Toruan.

According to BAP, Juper said, L revealed the alleged sexual harassment of the principal by hugging him. “In his report, the victim claimed to be hugged by her teacher,” said Juper.

Previously, cases of alleged sexual harassment were in the public spotlight when they went viral on social media. L told or talked about the bitter events he experienced on Instagram.

In the video uploaded to the Instagram account @mahasiswa_universitasriau, L tells the timeline.

“I am a 2018 UNRI International Relations student who experienced sexual harassment on campus,” he said in the video.

The video also presents his own story so that he can obtain allegations of indecent behavior from his superiors.

After the viral video confession of a student committing sexual harassment, the dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Riau (Fisip UNRI), Syafri Harto, denied the allegations.

According to Syafri, the viral video accusing him of attacking a student is slander and defamation.

“I emphasize that this is a disgusting slander, God willing, I have never carried out sexual harassment as claimed by the students I follow, as shown in videos on social networks,” said Syafri Harto at a press conference in Pekanbaru. on Friday (5/11).

Syafri assessed that the accusation had damaged his reputation. He and his family admitted that they were very disappointed with the confession video.

“I will report and sue for this defamation. I am asking for 10 billion rupees from those who undermined sata’s credibility,” said Syafri.

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