“Help the police chiefs map the areas that have the potential for floods and landslides, so that we can draw up contingency plans in these disaster-prone areas,” he said.
On the other hand, his party has formed a natural disaster team to help the community by assigning Karoops Polda Banten Kombes Pol Amiluddin Roemtaat and the Heads of Police to consolidate with BMKG, Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Regional Government, SAR Agency and other relevant agencies and prepare all resources in dealing with the impact of the La Nina phenomenon in the Banten region.
“We will immediately consolidate with related agencies, starting virtually on Monday (8/11) and continuing with the implementation of inter-agency disaster preparedness apples,” he explained.
As is known, in September 2021 and October 2021, several flood disasters have been reported in the Banten area. On September 14, 2021, floods occurred in Rangkasbitung, Kalanganyar and Cibadak sub-districts in Lebak Regency and inundated 1,162 houses.
Entering November 2021, the District of Rangkasbitung was again hit by floods and caused the Cigalembong bridge to be damaged and access to Curug to Cimageteung cut off.
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