Police to Host the 2020 IAWP Conference in Labuan Bajo

Jakarta – INP was entrusted by the Board of Directors of the International Association of Women Police (IAWP) to host the 2020 IAWP Conference, after the decision was made in 2019 in Quito, Ecuador. The 58th IAWP activity was held in Labuan Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) on 6-11 November 2021.

“This moment is an honor for Indonesia because it is considered the first host country in Asia since the founding of this association in 1915,” said National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo in a written statement, Friday, November 5, 2021.

Actually, this activity was held in Yogyakarta in September 2020. However, it was postponed due to the covid-19 pandemic.
“The selection of Labuan Bajo as a conference venue to support the 10 New Bali program, where Labuan Bajo is a Super Priority Tourist Destination (DPSP),” said Listyo.

Listyo will officially open the event on Monday, November 7, 2021. The arrival of Tribrata (TB) 1 at the same time reviewing mass vaccinations in the city of West Manggarai with the TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto.

This activity is considered to be the first hybrid concept IAWP conference in the history of the IAWP. So, it can be attended by both online and offline participants.

Listyo said that there are several programs that participants can watch later. Namely, the Parade of Nations which will be held on Main Street in Labuan Bajo City on November 6, 2021, the opening ceremony at the Meruorah Hotel, the Heritage and Annual Award Recognition 2020/2021, the closing ceremony at the Ayana Hotel, and the Komodo National Park tour to Pink Beach, Padar Island, and Komodo Island.

The event will be attended by Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, Wamenparekraf Angela Tanoesoedibjo, and Deputy Chief of Police of Central Kalimantan Brigadier General Ida Oetari Purnamasari. In addition, there are 65 speakers who will share their expertise, knowledge, experience.

The theme of the IAWP conference was Women at the Center Stage of Policing. There were also five sub-themes presented to the participants, namely Women, Peace and Security; Women and Leadership; Police Women and Their Challenges; The Role of Women in Policing; Science, Technology and Policing; and Current Issues on Transnational Crimes.

This conference will be attended by 691 offline and online participants from 38 countries. Such as Asia, Australia, Europe, America, Africa, and the Middle East.

Then, eight international organizations such as INTERPOL, ASEANAPOL, GCCPOL, UNODC, ICRC, UN Women, UNDPO and JCLEC. With details of 245 offline participants and 446 online participants.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian participants consisted of representatives from each Polda and units at the National Police Headquarters. These representatives come from various levels, ranks, and fields of work. They are expected to become future leaders with satisfactory knowledge, experience, and expertise and have extensive networks with other law enforcement officers from around the world.

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