Bogor – The Police Mobile Brigade Corps held a door-to-door vaccination campaign and social service in Malasari Village, Nanggung District, Bogor Regency, West Java.
The social action was held to celebrate the 76th Anniversary of Brimob.
It is known, Malasari Village is a remote village in the Mount Halimun Salak National Park area.
This activity was carried out at the direction of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and President Jokowi to pursue two million vaccinations per day to achieve the national herd immunity target.
Dankorbrimob Polri Inspector General Pol Anang Revandoko said all Indonesian people must be vaccinated to be healthy.
With the door to door vaccination activity held by his party, it is proof that the government is present in the community to reach remote villages in Indonesia.
“The government wants its citizens to be healthy and younger siblings can go back to school, especially residents in Nanggung District. We have one hope, the entire community, especially the residents of Nanggung, have all been vaccinated,” said Anang Revandoko in a statement received on Saturday (6/11/2021).
In this activity, Anang Revandoko was also seen interacting directly with residents who received vaccinations from the Brimob Police Corps.
In fact, the rain did not discourage Brimob soldiers from holding the event.
“I as Dankorbrimob thank you for your cooperation, so that this vaccination activity can run smoothly,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Deputy Principal of SDN 03 Malasari, Sri Lestari admitted that she was very happy with the vaccination assistance for the outermost and remote areas in Bogor Regency.
According to him, residents are very enthusiastic about the mass vaccination and door to door activities.
“It’s difficult for the terrain, because the distance from the school to the nearest Puskesmas is quite far. Sometimes their schedules even clash with their work. With this vaccine, they are very enthusiastic, there is no need to go down the mountain,” he said.
He also expressed his gratitude for the assistance provided by Dankorbrimob Inspector General Anang Revandoko, such as painting school buildings, school uniforms, and textbooks.
With the help of Inspector General Anang, schools that are far from the city can feel like a school like other students.
“We from the school thank you very much to the Brimob Police Corps because with the help of painting our school, the school will be neat. During the online pandemic, children didn’t wear uniforms for about two years, so when they started having face-to-face meetings, the children had difficulties and needed time to go down the mountain. Thank God they got these uniforms, they are very happy because they can go to school using uniforms, “he explained.
Similarly, the Head of Hamlet 04 Nirmala Region, Malasari Village, Bubun admitted that he was happy and that many residents were enthusiastic about the door to door vaccination.
He thanked the vaccine and assistance provided by Dankorbrimob.
“The implementation of door to door vaccination is in line with the expectations of our residents because it makes it easier for those who are difficult to reach the Puskesmas. I thank Brimob, apart from vaccines, residents can also get free basic necessities, which adds to the happiness of those in need,” he said.
In addition to providing free vaccinations of 750 doses, the Brimob Police Corps also provided 1,000 food packages, 20 mosque carpets, mosque electronic equipment, school uniforms, and textbooks.
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