The Sub-Directorate of Cyber Sub-Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the East Java Police raided an online loan office without a permit or illegally in Surabaya, Jalan Raya Satelit Indah, District Sukamanunggal, City of Surabaya.
Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Kombes Pol. Gatot Repli Handoko confirmed the raid. “It’s true (there was a raid on the illegal lending office in Surabaya),” said Gatot, confirmed Friday (22/10). However, Gatot is still hesitant to explain the details of the raid because it is still under investigation. The office is named PT Duyung Sakti Indonesia. A total of 13 people were arrested in the raid.
Gatot admitted that the 13 people arrested were still under investigation by investigators from the East Java Police Ditreskrimsus. “We are still studying it.
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