In providing a forum for free expression to the public, the National Police will hold a festival or competition for the 2021 National Police Chief’s Cup mural art. The plan is that the event will take place on October 30, 2021 at Bhayangkara Field. Monday (18/10).
The art competition event carries the theme ‘The Role of the Young Generation to Be Creative in Conveying Positive Information in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic’. Registration has also been opened from September 27 to October 17 at the Regional Police level and October 20, 2021 at the National Police Headquarters.
“The Indonesian National Police (Polri) will for the first time hold a Mural Festival/Contest entitled Bhayangkara Mural Festival for the 2021 National Police Chief,” said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Argo Yuwono to reporters, Jakarta, Monday (18/10).
The purpose and objective of this activity is to provide a forum for citizens to work and be creative during the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition, it is also hoped that it can restore the spirit of independence, nationalism, and optimism by carrying out positive activities.
“To become a forum for freedom of expression and to channel ideas through works of art (murals) as well as aspirations from the community in dealing with community problems in various sectors. It is an appreciation event for mural artists in Indonesia to keep working during the pandemic,” said Argo.
The first curation stage will be held on 18-20 October 2021 to select the 5 best participants in each Polda. Then, 1 selected participant will participate at the national level or at the National Police Headquarters in Jakarta.
Meanwhile, participants who were not selected at the Regional Police level will be included in the Mural Festival at their respective Regional Police. The first phase of curation will also be carried out on October 22-23 2021, to select the best participants around the National Police Headquarters or Jabodetabek.
For participants who are not selected, they will take part in the Polda Mural Festival according to their domicile. Furthermore, a number of 70 selected participants representing each Province and Greater Jakarta, will draw live simultaneously at the national level on October 30, 2021. The event will be officially opened by the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.
Meanwhile, the sub-themes that serve as guidelines for the participants are in working, caring for others during the Covid-19 Pandemic, together carrying out health protocols, Indonesia is healthy and strong, free from Covid-19, together protecting Indonesia.
There are several requirements given to participants, such as having a work that fits the sub-theme, the mural concept is sent in PDF format and loaded in one maximum size of 2500 pixels, the media ratio is 2.44m x 3.66m, the work must be original and has not been published.
For applicants who are in groups, please include the names of the chairman and members, and the collection of mural concepts must be submitted before the deadline specified on the website
Prizes that will be given in the competition are in the form of cash of Rp. 30 million for the 1st place winner, Rp.
“Let’s create your positive ideas during the Pandemic by igniting the spirit of independence, nationalism, and optimism through mural art at the 2021 National Police Chief Cup Festival Mural Bhayangkara!,” concluded Argo.
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