PASANGKAYU, The Village Gerebek vaccination attack continues to be intensified by the Pasangkayu Police to assist local governments in achieving vaccination targets.
Through the Dokkes Polres team in collaboration with the Pasangkayu Covid-19 Task Force team in all sub-districts, approximately 1,000 people are vaccinated every day.
The Head of the Pasangkayu Police, AKBP Didik Subiyakto said, the Grebeg Desa program that is being intensified is one of the efforts to increase vaccination achievements and establish herd immunity because vaccination or immunization aims to make a person’s immune system able to recognize and quickly fight bacteria or viruses that cause infection. .
“With the Grebeg Desa pattern, the goal to be achieved by giving the COVID-19 vaccine is to reduce morbidity and mortality due to the virus, and hopefully after 75% of the people have been vaccinated, God willing, we will return to normal life,” he said.
As for the updated data on activities at Grebeg Desa today, including vaccinations by the Dokkes of the Pasangkayu Polres as many as 90 people, PKM Sarudu 1 as many as 63 people, PKM Sarudu 2 as many as 23 people, PKM Dapurang 32 people, at Polsek Baras 97 people, PKM Baras 2 as many as 49 people, Bambalamotu Police 99 people, PKM Bambaira 60 people, PKM Bambalamotu 39 people, Pasangkayu Polsek 112 people, PKM Pasangkayu 1 as many as 10 people, and PKM Tikke Raya as many as 102 people.
“As many as 461 people, community data who have been vaccinated, as of 12 this afternoon. This number will certainly increase until the afternoon, “explained the Police Chief through a written release, Saturday (16/10) 2021).
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