West Java – In order to suppress the spread of Covid-19, it often occurs in crowded centers because they do not pay attention to social distancing and crowds. One of the places that often become clusters of the spread of Covid-19 is shopping centers or markets.
Therefore, as an effort to prevent the occurrence of new clusters in markets or shopping centers, the West Java Police Mobile Brigade Unit carried out by members of Company 3 Battalion B Pioneers conducted by Brigadier Anggi Septyan Prakoso carried out patrols to the Cipanas market shopping center while providing education to market visitors. and traders, Sunday (10/10/2021).
“In this activity, we provide education about health protocols to visitors at the Cipanas market. Of course, we must continue to wear masks when shopping, maintain a safe distance from other people and always wash our hands with soap,” said Brigadier Anggi.
Because it was seen in the Cipanas environment that some people still did not wear masks, therefore members of Company 3 Battalion B Pioneers approached the traders at Cipanas Market to give educational appeals related to health protocols while distributing masks.
Separately, the West Java Police Mobile Brigade Unit Commander Kombes Pol. Yuri Karsono, S.I.K., said that, “The Covid-19 pandemic has not ended, therefore we expect the participation of the community to jointly prevent its spread while still complying with health protocols,” he said.
Yuri Karsono also added, “This patrol is a manifestation of the West Java Police Mobile Brigade Service Unit for the community in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic by continuing to provide appeals and socialization to the public on the importance of obeying health protocols,” he concluded.
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