Ternate. The Head of the North Maluku Regional Police has accelerated the vaccination target, especially for teenagers and students to suppress the spread of COVID-19 in the North Maluku province, which is located at the Kajati Malut Office, Thursday (7/10/21).
Vaccination Review of North Maluku Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Risyapudin Nursin, S.I.K., accompanied by the Chief of the Ternate Police AKBP Aditya Laksamida, S.I.K., and the Head of SMA Negeri 1 Ternate City Mustamine Lila, S.Pd., M.Pd.
On that occasion, the North Maluku Police Chief through the Head of Public Relations of the North Maluku Police, Kombes Pol. Adip Rojikan, S.I.K. M.H., said that a direct review was carried out to ensure that the vaccination program for students was right on target, as one of the efforts to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Today’s vaccination activity for students of SMAN 1 Ternate City who have carried out vaccination doses 1 and 2 as many as 345 people, namely dose 1 to 326 students. 4 civil servants and 2 doses to 11 students, 3 civil servants, 1 community member and 1 elderly and this time the vaccination involved 25 vaccinators from the Police and the Ternate City Government,” said the Head of Public Relations.
The Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police hopes that, with good collaboration, good coordination, the Police and the Ternate City Government so that the implementation of vaccination can run smoothly, so that the hard community can be achieved.
“Hopefully the students can be vaccinated against Covid-19, the teachers are also healthy, the students are healthy. The teaching and learning process can run well,” he said.
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