The Palangka Raya Police and the Central Kalimantan Police also helped carry out the Covid-19 vaccination by providing security assistance during the event.
As did the Sabangau Police, Aiptu Irwan Darmawan joined Bripka Indra Bobot and Briptu Klinton to take part in the mass vaccination of Covid-19 who was vaccinated on Tuesday (5/5/10/2021) morning.
“During the Kali vaccination, the target of health workers was for as many as 200 residents of Sebangau Regency to get free vaccinations planned by the government,” explained Irwan.
In addition to providing safety and security, he and his colleagues also reminded residents of the importance of implementing health protocols (Prokes) and 5M in their daily activities to prevent and suppress the spread of the corona virus.
Vaccination is one way to increase the body’s immunity against viruses.
But never neglect to use Prokes and 5M (wear masks, wash your hands, keep your distance, stay away from people and reduce mobility) to avoid the spread of the virus,” he added.
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