The Directorate of General Crimes (Dit Tipidum) has arrested Burhanuddin, a fugitive suspect in a fraud case. The police confirmed the arrest.
“Yes, that’s right,” said Argo Yuwono, Inspector General of Polda Metro Jaya, Head of Public Relations, Wednesday (10 June 2021).
The suspect in the fraud case was arrested by investigators from the Directorate of Criminal Investigation and Investigation in Central Jakarta at around 21.00 on Tuesday, October 5, 2021.
As we all know, Burhanuddin is a fugitive suspected of fraud, embezzlement of public funds and forgery which resulted in the victim losing Rp 233 billion.
In this case, the victims of the suspects are PT Wika Beton Tbk and PT Sinar Indahjaya Kencana.
This case happened around 2016, and he sold the pawned land to QNB.
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