Kukar – Sat Binmas Kutai Kartanegara Police carried out social activities, by distributing social assistance (Bansos) in the form of rice to communities affected by the COVID-19 outbreak and implementing PPKM level 4. Friday (01/10/21).
The assistance in the form of food packages was given to road sweepers, Islamic boarding school ulumul Quran Al Abqory and also residents of Rt. 18 Ex. Timbau
This activity is a form of Polri’s care for the community who are currently in difficult times during the COVID-19 pandemic, and this is our effort to help by providing food packages, in order to lighten their burden,” said Kutai Kartanegara Police Chief AKBP Arwin Amrih Wientama via Kasat Binmas AKP TM Panjaitan.
The Head of Binmas also urges the public to always comply with health protocols, namely the 5M method, using masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, and mobilizing the crowd, by following government recommendations during PPKM level 4.
“For the community, let’s work together against covid-19 so that it passes quickly, so that we can rise from the pandemic or the covid19 outbreak, and always obey the health protocols,” said the Head of Binmas.
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