Dhira Brata Police Chief Examines Student Vaccination Events in Dhira Brata

At SMKN 05 Makassar on Wednesday (29/9/2021), South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Police Chief Inspector General Merdisyam reviewed the implementation of the Free Dhira Brata vaccination social program.

The 1990 Police Academy ALUMNI organized a social service action and self-vaccination. The action also served to commemorate the Dhira Brata Battalion’s 31st year of service to the country.

The South Sulawesi Police Chief praised the 1990 Police Academy for holding student vaccines, which he claimed was aimed at speeding up vaccinations in the province.

The South Sulawesi Police Chief also stated that the spread of Covid 19 in the city of Makassar may be slowed. This is evident by the fact that Makassar has dropped from PPKM level 4 to level 2.

“However, do not allow the PPKM level to go below level 2, at which point health guidelines will be disregarded. I will inform the public that health protocols are upheld and followed “the Regional Police Chief stated.

The South Sulawesi Police Chief also encouraged students, particularly younger students, to carry out vaccines in order to achieve herd immunity in South Sulawesi.

“I’m grateful for the students who are enthused about the COVID-19 vaccine. The Regional Police Chief went on to say that this was “to assist the government in realizing herd immunity or collective immunity in handling COVID-19.”

The vaccination targets for these students were given to teaching staff, administrative staff, security guards, school cleaners, and high school/vocational high school students, according to the Head of the South Sulawesi Polda Humas Kombes Pol. E. Zulpan, who joined the South Sulawesi Police Chief and other South Sulawesi Regional Police PJUs to review the vaccination targets for these students.

Furthermore, the 1990 Alumni Dhira Brata conducted a Social Service offering social aid to the community in the school environment, such as teachers, administrative personnel, security guards, and cleaners.

“To that end, let us all work together, not only students, but all members of society, to preserve and prevent the spread of COVID-19 by participating in vaccines for our common health,” the Head of Public Relations explained.

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