Bungkukan – Socialization of the enforcement of the Health Protocol (Prokes) continues to be promoted by the West Kelumpang Police, Kotabaru Police. This time, the Head of Samapta of the West Kelumpang Police visited the Bungkukan Weekly Market to invite traders to adopt a healthy lifestyle. One of them is by implementing 3M, namely wearing masks, washing hands and keeping a distance.
The Head of the West Kelumpang Police, Ipda Hendrie Ade A.S., through the Samapta Kanit Brigadier Rully, said that the development of Covid-19 in the West Kelumpang District was not as severe as in the Kotabaru district. For this reason, the active role of the police is needed to make people aware.
“Every member of the National Police, whether on duty or at home, must be a pioneer in the discipline of health protocols. The hope is to prevent the transmission of Covid-19,” said Brigadier Rully, Sunday (26/09/21).
The Head of West Kelumpang Police, who was contacted by telephone, revealed that during the socialization of the Health Program, officers visited traders one by one. A number of traders who do not wear masks are asked to wear masks by officers, if they do not have them, they will be given masks.
Invitations to run Prokes will continue to be encouraged by officers in a number of other public facilities. This activity is solely to break the chain of the spread of Covid -19 in West Kelumpang District.
“We will continue to encourage this socialization. It is hoped that the level of community compliance with Prokes will be higher so that this Covid can soon disappear, “he hoped.
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