Even in tourist areas, strange things happen to avoid crowds

Odd-even at tourist spots will be valid indefinitely, according to Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya.

He expects that by enacting this legislation, tourist destinations will be able to reopen with health measures in place, preventing the formation of new clusters.

“It will continue with the goal of restricting it, particularly in tourist attractions,” says the statement. “Of sure, there will be prokes at tourist spots,” he explained.

This odd-even configuration, continued Sambodo, is solely at the entrance gates of the two places for the mechanism.

“It’s at the west gate before entering the Ancol gate and the east gate after departing the toll road that leads to PRJ Kemayoran in Ancol. We don’t confine ourselves to Tamini Square for TMII, but rather to the Taman Mini region “he stated

Sambodo stated that there was no ticketing authorization for the odd-even application in the Ancol and TMII tourist zones. Only vehicles that do not follow the odd-even guidelines will be turned over.

“Because this guard is stationed at the entry, there is no need for a ticket. Those who wish to depart may do so. Please drop off but do not enter. It also does not apply to motorcycles; it only pertains to four-wheeled vehicles “He went on to explain.


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