KUDUS – Merdeka Vaccination Outlet continues to be held. This is done to pursue herd immunity and immunity against exposure to Covid-19. Vaccination is one of the most important factors in accelerating the handling of the spread of Covid-19.
In Kudus Regency, Simultaneous Vaccination with the theme “Synergy of BEM throughout Indonesia with the National Police for Indonesia Rising Against the Pandemic” took place at the Auditorium of Muria Kudus University (UMK) targeting students and the public, Wednesday (22/9/2021).
Kudus Police Chief AKBP Aditya Surya Dharma said vaccination was a form of Polri’s support for the acceleration of handling Covid-19 for healthy people so as to create herd immunity towards a strong Indonesia.
“This Simultaneous Vaccination, we have prepared 3000 doses of vaccine,” said AKBP Aditya Surya Dharma when directly monitoring the implementation of the vaccination.
To expedite vaccination, the Kudus Polres synergizes with the Vaccination Team from the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Kudus. In fact, it also cooperates with dozens of volunteers who are students from UMK.
“There are approximately 40 student volunteers who have been previously trained and meet the requirements to participate in helping with vaccinations. We also involve members in assisting with data input and registration so that the vaccination process becomes faster, more effective and efficient,” he added.
AKBP Aditya Surya Dharma added that until now, the enthusiasm of students and the community was considered quite high. This shows that public awareness to get immunity through vaccines is increasing.
“We appreciate and thank the students of the Kudus community who have supported the acceleration of vaccination. Together, we will create a strong Indonesia, Indonesia will grow,” he explained.
Every resident who comes must follow a number of procedures. After registering, the officers then called one by one to take part in a series of registration, screening, vaccine injection and observation.
“We hope that with this simultaneous vaccination, people will have stronger body and immune systems so they are not easily exposed to Covid-19 and we can all get through this pandemic in a healthy and safe way,” he concluded.
Source: Jawapos.com
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