Ciomas, Bogor – The Indonesian National Police Headquarters (Police Headquarters) collaborated with the Indonesian Youth Caucus (KMI) and a number of Bogor Nahdlatul Ulama communities to hold a joint vaccination targeting thousands of students in the Bogor Regency area.
“Vaccination for Bogor students is carried out simultaneously with the National Police Headquarters vaccination schedule for Wednesday (22/9) 2021, which will be held in hundreds of areas in Indonesia,” said General Chairperson of the Indonesian Youth Caucus (KMI) Edi Homaidi, Sunday while at the Islamic Boarding School. Al-Fatah, Kreteg Street, Sukajaya Village, Pagelaran Village, Ciomas District, Bogor Regency, Sunday.
The former activist of the Islamic Student Association (HMI), who is also the founder of the Salemba Institute (SI), said there were two vaccination locations for 3,000 santri in the Bogor Regency area, which were held by KMI together with a number of the NU community.
Each region targets vaccination for 1,500 people.
The first location is at the Rahmatan Lil’alamin Foundation (Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School), Jalan Kreteg No 55, Sukajaya Village, Pagelaran Village, Ciomas District, Bogor Regency.
At the boarding school which manages the education units for SMP, SMA, and SMK Ma’arif NU Ciomas, 1,500 doses of Sinovac vaccine are served for santri, students, teachers, education staff and the general public.
The following vaccinations target children aged 12-17 years and adults over 17 years to the elderly.
The next location, organized by the Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Management (PRNU) Putatnutug Village, in the Panorama Bali Residence Housing area, Ciseeng District, Bogor Regency.
Edi Homaidi added that the national mass vaccination activity initiated by the National Police Headquarters was entitled “Free Vaccination.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee for Mass Vaccination at the Rahmatan Lil’alamin Foundation, Ahmad Fahir, hoped that this activity would be used optimally by students, students and teachers in the Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School, residents around the pesantren and the wider community.
“The main targets of this activity are Al-Fatah students, Ar-Ruhama students and Ma’arif NU Ciomas Middle School-SMA-SMK students, to support the implementation of face-to-face learning and protect them from the threat of contracting or potentially transmitting COVID-19,” said one one of the founders of the NU Student Family (KMNU) IPB.
However, said the alumnus of Pondok Pesantren Daarul Rahman Jakarta, the committee accessed opportunities for the wider population who wished to participate in vaccinations.
“There are 1,500 doses available for the first vaccine. We are targeting 1,500 participants,” he said.
The former deputy of the Regional Management Council (DPD) Chairman of the Bogor City Council of Indonesian Mosques (DMI) said the mass vaccination was an effort by young NU Bogor cadres to support the community and government in breaking the chain of virus spread, realizing community immunity and also creating a resilient community against COVID-19. 19.
“Hopefully this mass vaccination movement can grow community immunity. The most important thing is to be able to increase public awareness to take care of each other together by participating in vaccinations and health care disciplines,” said Ahmad Fahir.
The builder of the Rahmatan Lil’alamin Foundation who is also the General Leader of the Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School, KH Saepul Milah Hasbi, showed that he is grateful that the boarding school he manages will be the location for the simultaneous vaccination of the National Police Headquarters on 22 September.
“We are honored and certainly too helped by the mass vaccination activity at the Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School,” he said.
He invited and invited the wider community from the Ciomas District and surrounding areas to participate in the vaccination.
“The priority of this vaccination activity is for Al-Fatah students. But we make it open to ustadz and students of other Islamic boarding schools and the wider community, as a form of concern to support as many people as possible to be vaccinated, “said KH Saepul Milah.
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