JAKARTA – The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo led a corps report card ceremony or promotion to a higher level for eight high-ranking officers. The ceremony was held at the Police Headquarters Rupatama Building, South Jakarta, Thursday (16/9/2021).
In the report card corps, there were eight police officers with the rank of big commissioner (kombes) who were promoted to brigadier general (brigjen). In addition, three high-ranking officers of the Brigadier General have been promoted to inspector general (irjen).
“We received reports of 11 high-ranking police officers who were promoted, three of which were promoted from one star brigadier general of police to inspector general of police. Then eight were promoted from police chief commissioner to brigadier general of the police,” said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the Police Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono at a press conference at the Rupatama Building of the National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Thursday (16/9/2021).
He said that the report card corps is something that is dynamic in the organization. “Obviously, the National Police hopes that the increase in the number of Police Patis can further dynamize the operational tasks of the police,” he said.
The following is a list of 11 high-ranking police officers who received promotions to a higher level:
1. Inspector General Arkan Hamzah, Sahlijemen, Chief of the Indonesian National Police
2. Inspector General Eddy Hartono, Widyaiswara Main Police TK position. I Sespim Lemdiklat Polri
3. Inspector General Achmad Kartiko, position of Pati Baintelkam Polri (assignment to BP2MI)
4. Brigadier General Iswyoto Agoeng Lesmana Doeta, the position of Kapuslitbang Polri
5. Brigadier General Kristono, position of Pati Sops Polri (assignment to Kemeko Polhukam)
6. Brigadier General Lakoni, position of Pati Lemdiklat Polri (assignment to Kemeko Polhukam)
7. Brigadier General Asep Jenal Ahmadi, position of Pati Divkum Polri (assignment to Kemeko Polhukam)
8. Brigadier General Mashudi, the position of the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police
9. Brigadier General Hariyanta, the position of Karoanalyst for the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia
10. Brigadier General Benny Ali, the position of Karoprovos Divpropam Polri
11. Brigadier General Musa Ikipson Manaek Muara Tampubolon, position of Pati Itwasum Polri (assignment to the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs)
Source: iNews.id
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