West Java Brimob Monitoring Health Protocol in School Environment to Begin Face-to-Face Learning Process

Cirebon – With the start of the face-to-face learning and teaching process in Cirebon Regency, the personnel of Company 1 Battalion C Pioneer of the West Java Police Satbrimob carried out dialogical patrols for health promotion and monitoring in the form of checking and also preparing for supervision of compliance with health protocols at the start of the teaching and learning process directly with the method face to face.

Bripka Diki Sena Prawira and Bripka Harjono, who carried out this activity together with the ranks, said that this activity was an anticipation step for the formation of a new cluster of COVID-19 spread in the school environment after the start of the face-to-face learning process as it is today.

Seen this morning, Bripka Diki Sena and Bripka Harjono also visited one of the schools in Cirebon Regency. The school, both parents and teachers, when met said that after the face-to-face teaching and learning process started, the school had prepared a special task force to monitor and implement health protocols for anyone who would enter the school environment. So that in this school environment the implementation of the process can really be carried out properly and correctly. Thursday (9/9/2021)

The health protocol in the form of checking body temperature must be carried out to anyone who will enter the school environment, besides that all are required to wear masks when in the school environment. Later the teaching and learning process will be divided so that the number of students in one room can be limited according to the existing protocol.

The Commander of the West Java Police Mobile Brigade Unit Commander Kombes Pol. Yuri Karsono S.I.K when contacted via telephone in his office said “The West Java Police Mobile Brigade Unit along with relevant agencies will support and assist schools in implementing health protocols in the school environment, in the hope that this does not happen or new clusters form in schools”, he explained.

The result of coordination with the school, that later during the teaching and learning process, both in the classroom and teacher’s room, both tables and chairs will be arranged in such a way that the social distancing protocol can be applied. “We hope that in the future, both the school and the students can actually implement the health protocols so that the teaching and learning process can run safely and smoothly,” explained Bripka Diki Sena.

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