DVI Polri Identify Victims of Class I prison fire in Tangerang

The Disaster Victim Investigation (DVI) team at the National Police Headquarters has succeeded in identifying one of the victims of the Class I prison fire in Tangerang, Banten, namely Rudhi bin Ong Eng Cue.

“Today at 13.00 WIB, DVI reconciled and identified one victim in the name of Rudhi bin Ong Eng Cue, a 43-year-old male,” said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the Police Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono at a press conference, at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, Thursday, September 9, 2021.

According to Rusdi, the identification of the victim was known based on examination of fingerprints and medical records.

“The victim was identified based on fingerprints and medical records from the person concerned,” said Rusdi.

Head of Inafis Police Headquarters Brigadier General Hudi Suryanto added that Inafis and the DVI team had identified several body bags.

“We have taken fingerprints, one of which is body bag number 0412001. We are searching the fingerprint database that we have and data from Dukcapil,” he said.

“Then, manually checking 12 points, there was a similarity between the fingerprints of the right thumb. This has met the ‘scientific’ requirements, it can be believed that the truth is that it is identical,” he also said.

Based on fingerprints, data from Dukcapil and data from the antemortem, his party believes that the victim’s name is Rudhi.

Source: accuratenews.com

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