National Police Chief Hands over 10 ISO Tanks to Help Meet the Oxygen Needs of Covid-19 Patients

JAKARTA – National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo handed over the assistance of ISO tanks (ISO tanks) needed to mobilize medical oxygen from factories to hospitals and oxygen filling stations.

The handover of the ISO Tank assistance from the National Police for Indonesia took place at Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta, Friday, attended by North Jakarta top officials, Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran, Tanjung Priok Police Chief, and other officials at the National Police Headquarters.

According to the National Police Chief, the ISO tank assistance is a form of the National Police’s contribution in handling Covid-19 by ensuring the availability of oxygen for the community to anticipate scarcity, as happened in mid-July 2021.

“We launched the National Police ISO Tank Program for Indonesia, as it is known that in mid-July 2021 the high Covid-19 number resulted in an increase in hospital BOR by up to 92 percent which affected the availability of oxygen,” said Sigit.

Sigit said that although the number of hospital occupancy (BOR) decreased in a number of areas accompanied by the easing of the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) level 3 and level 4 based on the results of the assessment, caution must be taken so that the relaxation of economic activities and activities does not trigger an increase in the number of cases.

For that, Sigit continued, strict health protocols must be accompanied during the PPKM levels 2 and 3 periods.

“If this easing is not followed by health protocols, it can have an impact on increasing the number of Covid-19, so we must continue to be vigilant in carrying out health protocols, reflecting on existing experience, then the need for oxygen must be believed to be available in the field,” said Sigit.

In total there are 10 ISO Tanks of the Indonesian National Police with a capacity of 21 thousand liters (21.1 tons per tank) which are distributed to a number of regions in Indonesia.

Sigit said that to support the availability of oxygen during the Covid-19 pandemic, the National Police had distributed 1,000 oxygen concentrators in early August 2021 and oxygen generators in Papua.

“I thank all those who have helped so that it can be distributed immediately, it is hoped that in the future the number of Covid-19 can be emphasized, we must be prepared to be alert when there is a spike, if there is a need for oxygen, then we are ready. To complete the ISO tank, we strengthen hospital needs and help distribution from industry to hospitals,” said Sigit.

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