As a form of commitment to helping the government vaccinate the community and efforts to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19, Aisyiyah University (UNISA) Yogyakarta again held vaccinations. -28/8/2021).
The vaccination activity with a quota of 6,500 participants for the first dose was visited by the National Police Chief Gen. Listyo Sigit Prabowo; TNI Commander Marshal TNI Hadi Tjahjanto; the General Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah, Haedar Nasir; and the General Chairperson of PP Aisyiyah, Noordjannah Djohantini.
The Chancellor of UNISA Yogyakarta, Warsiti, explained that this activity was one of UNISA Yogyakarta’s real contributions to supporting the Covid-19 vaccination program in DIY to reduce morbidity and mortality due to Covid-19.
“Vaccination encourages the formation of herd immunity, which in turn protects and strengthens the public health system as a whole, so that, in the end, it can carry out activities during the adaptation period to new habits and can increase productivity,” he said on Wednesday (25/8/2021).
The vaccination, which is intended for students, families of lecturers and education staff at UNISA Yogyakarta, high school/vocational school students, and the general public in DIY, is supported by the TNI, POLRI, Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Aisyiyah Central Executive, Muhammadiyah Covid-19 Command Center (MCCC), DIY PWM, especially MPKU PWM, and the health charity Muhammadiyah-Aisyiyah in DIY.
The vaccinator team consisted of the Yogyakarta Unisa team, DIY Regional Police Dokkes, PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in DIY and UAD Hospital. As a contribution to the handling of Covid-19, UNISA Yogyakarta is also working together with the government to provide an isolation room at the UNISA Yogyakarta campus dormitory located on Jalan Siliwangi, Kapanewon Gamping.
Warsiti emphasized the importance of good cooperation and coordination from all parties. “UNISA Yogyakarta certainly has a responsibility to participate in dealing with this problem. So, with this very difficult condition, we can overcome it together, “he said.
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