– Boyolali. TNI Commander Marshal Dr. Hadi Tjahjanto, S.I.P., National Police Chief General of Police Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Sc., and the Minister of Health, Ir. Budi Gunadi Sadikin, CHFC., CLU., reviews the implementation of community and labor vaccinations in Boyolali Regency, Central Java, Sunday (22/8/2021).
The implementation of this vaccination was initiated by PT. Pan Brothers in collaboration with the TNI-Polri and the Boyolali District Health Office. The total target for vaccination is 1,000 people from the general public and workers of PT. Pan Brothers.
The National Police Chief said that with the implementation of this vaccination, it is expected to accelerate the national vaccination program. Even specifically for workers, the vaccination target until the end of August is 100 thousand already vaccinated.
“The target of vaccinating workers in the Solo Raya area until August is at least 100 thousand workers are vaccinated and will continue to be added gradually, so that we can maximize the need for vaccines for the industrial community for workers who are indeed foreign exchange heroes,” explained the National Police Chief.
In addition to vaccinating workers, the former Police Criminal Investigation Unit will also continue to accelerate vaccination for the surrounding community and it is hoped that by the end of September the vaccination program will also increase quite a bit. Meanwhile, the TNI Commander said, in addition to accelerating vaccination, the implementation of testing and tracing of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Boyolali must also be maximized.
“For those who are confirmed and have close contacts to be treated in isoters for those who have mild symptoms including moderate. We continue to provide assistance to Isoman so that it can be monitored so that it can suppress the transmission of COVID, “he explained. The Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, left a message that society must balance health and the economy.
For this reason, he invites the public to stay healthy and discipline the process by wearing masks. “Our message is that this virus will live with us for years to come so that we can balance a healthy life, but also work and do activities. Don’t forget to wear the mask, you have to be disciplined and testing and tracing until the lowest level continues. if that’s the way there is no need to open and close.
So we can balance the economy and health,” he said. In the implementation of this vaccination, the total vaccine prepared in this activity is 1,000 doses of the Moderna type from the National Police. The number of vaccinators involved in this activity is 25 people consisting of TNI-Polri and volunteers. In this activity, social assistance packages will also be distributed to people who need as many as 435 social assistance packages.
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