Mahfud MD Appreciates Police Performance and Innovation in the Last Year

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, appreciated the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit and his staff for the innovations that were born in the last year.

Mahfud, who is also the Chairman of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas), said that the police had made various service innovations for the community, such as Electronic Ticketing (ETLE), making online SIM (SINAR), Dumas Presisi, online SP2HP, call center 110, and so on.

“Service innovation is in line with the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, so that it makes people feel served quickly, transparently, accountable, effective and efficient,” said Mahfud in an official statement on Friday (20/8/2021).

In particular, Mahfud gave his appreciation to Irwasum Polri, as the National Police’s internal supervisor who made an online internal control system innovation, namely Dumas Presisi.

“This is very helpful for Kompolnas as the external supervisor of the National Police because everything is done online. Synergy between the internal and external inspectors of the National Police is needed so that the National Police are professional and independent, “he said.

The Daily Chief of Kompolnas Benny Mamoto reported that a number of reforms and improvements are being carried out by the police, especially in the IT sector, and improving the reporting flow.

“In the future, there will be no more picket commissioners. In the future, the model is for commissioners to receive reports in plenary form to decide on directions and so on. “

On the other hand, Coordinating Minister Mahfud considered the pandemic to be a challenge that the police had to face. They include new challenges as a result of social, economic, security disturbances, and public order.

“We face limitations in the areas of budget, mobility, and access to conducting field research.

However, these challenges and limitations will actually make us more innovative and creative to overcome them, “he said.

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